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A free estimate is as follows:

  • We highly encourage the owner or owner’s agent to be present when our sales professional comes to the property as we have the knowledge, education, samples, and much more that we like to utilize during the consultation process. If you cannot be home we still encourage a visit to one of our showrooms at a later date (evenings and weekends available for your convenience) so we can provide you with the experience to be educated on your purchase and see what separated Spicer Bros from the rest.
  • An estimate is supplied for all installations provided by Spicer Bros and is limited to known facts provided by the owner or whatever knowledge can be obtained from our visual on-site consultation.
  • A inspection=A free estimate is different from an inspection= An inspection is providing a service based on the knowledge of an experienced professional. An inspection is not free therefore fees are applicable. An inspection takes considerably longer as an in-depth review of the property is needed.
  • Realtors or real estate situations = It is common practice for Realtors or homeowners (sellers) as well as potential buyers to call on Spicer Bros to provide them with estimates on roofing, siding, windows, doors, guttering etc. Historically these estimates are for the sole purpose of negotiations and we, therefore, are exhausting hours and hours on estimates/situations that we never had a legitimate chance of getting because the price is being used for negotiations only. These proposals are also not free as we are providing a professional service for others to use and negotiate with and the Realtors, when the deal is sealed are being compensated via a commission on the expertise and assistance of our estimates and Spicer Bros never gets the job. The fee charged for our services on providing the estimate can be used as a credit towards the roof if we are awarded the job.

Schedule Your Estimate Today

Who should you trust to diagnose your roofing problems? Any standard roofing and siding contractor, or one who goes above and beyond in examining, inspecting, and evaluating your roof? That’s the level of service that clients have come to expect from us here at Spicer Bros. Construction. To schedule your free inspection, fill out our online contact form, or call us at (410) 546-1190 in Maryland or (302) 703-6754 in Delaware.

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