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Woodpeckers tend to ramp up their activity in the fall, which can lead to damage to your siding. Understanding why woodpeckers like to peck on your siding can help you manage this type of damage. Read on as Spicer Bros Construction, Inc., a top roofing company in the state, sheds light on why woodpeckers enjoy wreaking havoc on your siding and what you can do about it.

To Attract a Mate 

Woodpeckers peck on wood to drum up noise to attract a mate. They don’t limit themselves to pecking on wood either; even vinyl siding can be an attractive pecking target for them. 

To Mark Their Territory 

Fiercely territorial, woodpeckers use their pecking to mark their territory. Normally, they prefer to nest in dead trees where there’s less competition for space. But in the absence of dead trees, woodpeckers will happily make their nests and store their food in your siding. 

To Search for Food 

Woodpeckers’ diet consists of insects, berries, nuts and seeds. If a woodpecker is drilling holes in your siding and you haven’t maintained it for a while, there’s a good chance it might have seen some bugs. Routine siding inspections and maintenance can help deter woodpeckers from damaging your siding. However, if you want a more long-term solution, we recommend installing fiber cement siding. 

Fiber Cement Siding’s Advantages

Fiber cement siding can mimic the feel and texture of wood siding but is impervious to woodpecker damage. It’s also resistant to moisture issues prevalent in wood siding, such as rot, warping and insects. If you decide to replace your siding, only hire a certified siding and roofing contractor

Looking for a certified contractor in your area? 

Spicer Bros Construction, Inc., a BBB-accredited contractor, offers roofing and siding installation services. To get a free estimate, call us at any of these numbers: (410) 546-1190, (302) 703-6754 ,or leave us a message on this form. We serve homeowners in Lewes, DE, and Denton, MD. 

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