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Vinyl siding doesn’t need a lot of maintenance, but if you accidentally dripped some paint on it, you’ll probably want to remove the stain. In today’s post, Spicer Bros Construction, Inc., a top-rated roofing company, explains how to remove unsightly paint stains from your vinyl siding.

The Problem With Vinyl 

Vinyl can quickly absorb acrylic-and-urethane-based paint. As such, you should avoid using this type of paint around your siding if at all possible. Also, there’s a specific method for removing certain types of paint stains that you’ll need to follow. 

Water-Based Paint 

To remove water-based paint, you’ll need to use a cleaning solution made from laundry detergent and water. Spray some of the solution onto the stain and brush the paint off. Afterward, rinse the solution using a power washer with a rinse nozzle. Repeat the process until there are only a few patches of paint left. Remove these using isopropyl alcohol.

Oil-Based Paint 

For oil-based paint, you’ll need mineral spirits, a piece of cloth and a soft-bristle brush. Wipe the paint using a piece of cloth dipped in mineral spirits. Let the mineral spirits sit for a few minutes before scrubbing them off. Repeat the process until the paint is removed. 

Spray Paint 

You’ll need to use graffiti remover to get rid of spray paint. Look for a remover that won’t leave discoloration on the siding. Apply the solution using a cloth and then rinse with mild soap and water. 

If none of these methods work, the siding may have absorbed too much of the paint. To preserve your curb appeal and property value, you may need invest in siding replacement from an experienced residential roofing and siding contractor.

Looking for an experienced contractor in your area? 

Spicer Bros Construction, Inc., a contractor with nearly two decades of experience, offers residential roofing and siding installation services. To get a free estimate, call us at any of these numbers: (410) 546-1190, or (302) 703-6754, or leave us a message on this form. We serve homeowners in Rehoboth Beach and Lewes, DE, as well as Salisbury, MD. 

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