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Winters can be brutal on the Delmarva peninsula. Maintaining your property is a lot easier with snow removal options from Spicer Bros. Construction with compelling offers for both residential and commercial customers this winter. Don’t risk injury or accident by ignoring snow and ice and prevent yourself from health hazards of doing it on your own; call a professional and make your property a much safer place to be.

Snow Removal from Roofs 

If you don’t remove the snow and ice from your home’s roof, you could end up with an ice dam. An ice dam can cause all kinds of problems, including roof and water damage. The leaks may provide the perfect situation for mold and mildew to grow; avoid this hassle by keeping the roof ice and snow-free this winter. Plus, the added weight from the snow and ice can cause significant problems over time for homeowners in this part of the country.

Commercial Properties 

If you own a business or commercial property, you have an even bigger obligation to prevent injury and risks by removing the snow from the roof, as well as the other areas of your property like the parking lot, walkways, and driveway. In fact, commercial snow removal may prevent you from being the target of expensive liability when a customer, visitor, or passer-by slips and falls on the ice or snow. Consider snow removal to be a routine part of maintaining your commercial property or business in the winter months.

Also, you may want to think about the impact that an unkempt property has on prospective patrons, customers, and buyers; they may decide to spend their money elsewhere based on the curb appeal- or lack of- demonstrated when visiting your site. Think about it as an investment made in future revenues and a loyal clientele.

There are three compelling reasons why you want to be vigilant about snow removal:

  1. Damage Prevention. When you fail to maintain your commercial property, vehicles and motorists may have difficulty traversing or passing through. Sliding and slippery conditions could lead to an accident or injury, which may mean that you are liable and end up in court. Furthermore, if cars are having problems getting in or out of your parking lot, damage could occur to your storefront and curb appeal.
  2. Time Savings. It takes time to remove snow; it is tough work. Do you have time to take care of this yourself? Is it fair to ask employees to do this type of routine maintenance? Hire a professional who is physically equipped for removing snow, which is an arduous, taxing task. Put your attention on your business instead of the snow and ice.
  3. Reduce Fall Risk. Don’t be the business and building that is a hazard in the neighborhood. If you fail to remove your snow and ice, you could be creating a fall risk and health hazard; if someone falls on your property due to your negligence, you could be the reason someone is seriously injured. Furthermore, do you want the snow and muck dragged inside your establishment? Take care of the mess and keep your business clean and maintained- customers will notice this extra effort and appreciate it.

Laypeople and homeowners should be warned that removing snow from your home’s roof or property is strenuous, hard work that can cause injury. The snow is wet and heavy in the region; if you have heart issues, back problems, or other health problems, leave snow removal to a professional and protect your own wellbeing. Snow removal contractors will have the equipment and gear needed to clear the snow and ice safely and efficiently- without you needing to spend time outside with a shovel!

Do you live in Maryland or Delaware? Call us about snow removal today.

No need to worry about the hazards of snow and ice this winter; contact the snow removal professionals at Spicer Bros. Construction; call (410) 546-1190 in Salisbury, MD or (302) 703-6754 in Lewes, DE, to schedule an appointment or to learn more. Keep your property as safe as it can be, while also providing it with a cared-for curb appeal that is pleasing to your patrons and customers.

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